Tuesday 4 November 2008


Dedication, an inquisitive mind and a good listening skill make a good reporter. Olivier Vergnault – a senior reporter of Western Morning News in Torquay - offered his view from inside the industry.

Mr. Vergnault, 33, has been in the profession for eight years and in his current position for one year, after working for various newspapers in Scotland, Cheltenham and Bristol.

Journalism requires true commitment, which is why dedication tops the list. “You just have to keep going”, the reporter explained. There is a reason why you should be able to do so, since journalism itself is fun, exciting and never boring. “I feel the adrenaline rush every time I get a good news story”. Once your heart is in it, you start realising yourself becoming a “news junkie”, he remarked.

Curiosity also makes a difference. A good reporter should “never take things at face value”. Being able to inquire matters but this is just one side of the story. He stressed that it is complemented by being able to listen. An effective listener picks up important information quickly and impartially from different sources.

Mr. Vergnault held a BA in history and a MA in journalism from Glasgow. What drove him to the career was the challenge, not the salary, as he recalled earning only £7,000 in his first year. “I’m happy where I am now with a good blend of work and life”. The reporter said he had time for his wife and hobbies, including rock climbing and walking. “I’ve been trying out script-writing for films too”, he revealed his other interest.

Whether his account inspires or scares would-be reporters, the message is firm: Give it a go.

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